fredag 20 mars 2009

Untz dunkaduunk.. jiggyjiggy

Uno dos, three and for, T R O C boys' at your door.. Ni visstereee!

Jorge står å balenserar..

Blev långa timmar i studion igår. Vi låg i som fan!

Boombox beating still strong, three peeps session in our hood can't go wrong!

..thats why i made this song, wearin none but underwear all along..

These sample won't necessary tell you too much, but just in case lets tell you in dutch..

Brade in den heri sett pae vhagge.. kidding så lätt! Stängsel sedan rivningen.. dags att städa!?

..We trocaroc nonstop never stop till we drop, and deliver we will do, you're a fool, im bored and look like eminem, still this blog is so ill - think i'll never get like them - bullsheeeeet us and you'll get kiiiillled! Mad rhymes by: famous Jogs flash aka bloggmasteur. Högst oseriöst!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

bad update dudes!!

Anonym sa...

håller med..

Troca Dream Team sa...

*Vädersvängningarna har sin påverkan* *thihihi*